Published on 01/15/2018 2:55 am
Data Breach Prevention Tips for Your Small Business

We’ll focus on analyzing the risks small businesses most frequently face and then examine a range of ways to prevent a successful breach.

Analyzing Data Breach Risks

Data is valuable. It is also vulnerable. Although the unique practices of every business unique create unique risks, some vulnerabilities are more common than others. Look for procedures that involve the transmission of information. These procedures include email, online video calls, and movement of data between hardware. Pay particular attention to the point of sale tools and remote quoting software. Any time data travels over a wireless connection it’s extremely vulnerable to attack. Look for these opportunities with the eye of criminal. Where is your data security system weakest?

Another major risk for small businesses is data storage. Very few new or small businesses can afford their own, onsite servers, leading many to take advantage of Cloud servers. These are wonderfully convenient and often cheaper, at least for moderately sized businesses. However, not all users understand how to check the security of documents stored in the Cloud. Choosing the wrong options or storing your data in the wrong place leaves your data not only vulnerable but publicly accessible. Some of the biggest security breaches in recent history tie back to mismanaged Cloud filing.

Ways to Prevent Security Breach

Of all the data breach prevention tips we can offer, here is the most important: data security starts with you. The way you and your employees treat security and plan for emergencies will heavily contribute to the safety of your data. As a result, you need to start from the ground up. Outline procedures, data breach reaction plans, and consequences for failing to follow these.

Add encryption wherever possible. Encrypting your POS is a great way to foil thieves trying to snatch this data in transit. Encrypting emails and other messages also protect your data while it travels. Finally, ensure you keep your sensitive data encrypted while filing it away. The more sensitive the data, the more layers of encryption the data deserves.

Including multi-step authentication in the daily work is another great way to prevent data theft. It’s a relatively cheap security measure that makes it difficult for hackers and data thieves to creep into your system. Added to encryption and software security measures, this can keep businesses of any size much safer.

There is no single, magical way to keep your business safe from data theft. However, our data breach prevention tips can help you set up better defenses quickly. Most of the solutions we discussed are fairly affordable as well, which should help smaller businesses afford the expense. Remember, always look at your business from the perspective of a criminal, especially when you’re preparing security measures. 

Apply security in layers and ensure there is no simple, straight path to your data.

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