Published on 10/12/2017 2:56 pm

Data theft protection must evolve to meet changing threats. Sometimes, developments only come after a loss. However, two types of protection do more than ever to actually prevent data theft. One offers a practical barrier when passwords are compromised. The other makes it easier for businesses to spot and address weaknesses in their existing security system. Multi-step authentication and data theft protection analytics are the newest types of data theft protection that deserve a closer look.

Multi-Step Authentication

Anti-data theft protection typically focuses on defending individual systems or pieces of hardware. These are not the only options available, however. Multi-step authentication is a tricky new technique that uses society’s propensity to use multiple devices in favor of data theft protection. Many types of data theft target sensitive, user-entered information, such as passwords, to gain full access to secure accounts. For example, spyware does just this. Hackers have many

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